25 research outputs found

    DEMO Models Based Automatic Smart Contract Generation: A Case in Logistics Using Hyperledger

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    This article presents a practical research project aimed at developing a method for automatically generating smart contracts from business models. The project has as a context the logistics in- dustry and uses Hyperledger Fabric as the blockchain (BC) platform. The main contributions are a mapping from DEMO (Design and Engineering Methodology for Organizations) language to Hyperledger Chaincode using GO language, as well as an evolution of DEMO’s Action Model Grammar, that enable specification of elements necessary for automatic SC generation. The proposed approach extends the DEMO methodology so that it includes an SC concern, enabling the generation of reusable action rule specifications and other elements necessary for SC genera- tion. Our research contributes to combining the strengths of the DEMO methodology and smart contracts. The design and implementation considerations of this approach are discussed in de- tail, and the results can be applied in future business cases requiring enterprise interoperability supported by distributed ledger technology

    Short Paper: A Comparative Analysis of Open-Source Business Intelligence Platforms for Integration with a Low-Code Platform

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    This paper’s main contributions are the comparative analysis of open source business intelli- gence platforms, having as background aim, the selection of the most appropriate one for its integration in an open source low-code platform we are developing. We researched the state-of- the art and selected nine platforms for a first and more general analysis. Out of these nine, four were then selected for a more thorough and detailed analysis and testing. The best two of this set were then selected for the implementation of concrete integration tests with our low-code platform. During the process, one of them revealed to have critical problems and the other was integrated successfully, with functional results achieving the best expectations. Thus, another main contribution of this paper is the identification of the current best candidate open source business intelligence platform for integration with a low-code platform

    A visão dos conceitos de Informação e Tecnologia à luz da Engenharia Organizacional

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    Apresenta o campo da engenharia organizacional, bem como o método DEMO de desenho e engenharia para organizações (do inglês: Design and Engineering Methodology for Organizations – DEMO) e como se pode perspectivar de maneira menos ambígua os conceitos de informação e tecnologia. Vários conceitos fundamentais são introduzidos, seguindo-se a apresentação de dois casos de estudo, confirmando alguns dos benefícios providenciados pelo método DEMO

    Uso de fuentes de información y tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TIC) según el tipo de universidsad en siete países de América Latina

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    Objetivos: Identificar el uso de fuentes de información, así como, tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TIC) según el tipo de universidad en siete países de América Latina.Métodos:Estudio transversal en estudiantes de medicina de siete países de América Latina. Se midió el uso de fuentes y tecnologías de información y comunicación con el autoreporte sobre el uso de buscadores científicos (SciELO, PubMed, Google Scholar) y TIC (laptop, smartphone, wifi). Las variables secundarias fueron el país y el tipo de universidad de procedencia (pública/privada) de los estudiantes de medicina. Resultados: De 4463 encuestados, SciELO fue usado por el 83.3% y el 55.0% en una universidad pública y privada, respectivamente. Mientras que PubMed fue reportado por el 79.9% y 59.2% de estudiantes de universidad pública y privada, respectivamente. Las universidades privadas tuvieron mayor uso de TIC en Panamá y Bolivia, en contraste con aquellas de tipo públicas fueron Paraguay, México, Colombia y Argentina. La mayoría de los estudiantes usaban smartphone en más del 60%. Conclusiones: Se identificó que el smartphone fue utilizado por la mayoría de los estudiantes. El uso de Internet fue mayor en estudiantes de universidades privadas, además, no se encontraron grandes porcentajes del uso de PubMed y SciELO, en universidades públicas y privadas. Se deben reforzar las estrategias educativas en el campo de la educación médica, debido a pobre cultura de manejo de información basada en evidencias

    01 Organizational functions and enterprise

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    self-maintenance: a framework for integratin

    An ontology for organizational functions: the recursive self-maintenance mechanism of the enterprise

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    Although there have been great advances in business process modeling as a means to better understand and control organizations and improve the development of information systems, the existence of functions- like IT, logistics, financial, etc.- is an inescapable reality in organizations, that strongly influences aspects like change processes, or the formation of organizational units, even if a culture of "process orientation " is established. This paper tries to clarify the concept of organizational function, discusses certain organizational artifacts that seem to be of a functional nature and proposes an ontology for the purpose of allowing a consistent and coherent modeling of this recursive self-maintenanc

    Advances in Enterprise Engineering VII

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